Thursday, December 4, 2008
The Cat
Our Thanksgiving
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
The Screaming
Monday, November 24, 2008
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Halloween Soon

Monday, October 27, 2008

Saturday, October 25, 2008
We moved, we're unpacking, it's maddness

Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Pied Piper

Update #2
Monday, September 15, 2008
Teefers Update
Nap Graduation
Friday, September 12, 2008
Update #1
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
New apartment hunting

It's quite a bit smaller than the apartment we have now by 300 sq ft but it'll be nice to pay less, considering where we're living wants to raise our rent by like $300! And in the new place we'll be able to use our washer and dryer. That'll be nice. We'll be having a garage sale too within the next few weeks. So stay posted to find out when and come by and pic up some cool stuff!
Changed the Look
She's walking better now. Mary mostly walks instead of crawls. But, for a week she as walking and crawling about the same amount. She also likes to carry stuff around with her. Grandma came by for a visit this past weekend. That was pretty fun. Grandma Kay showed Mary how to wrap up her Penguino in a blanket and carry him around. So she does that now when she sees Penguino. She likes giving big hugs a lot too. And she'll pat you on the back when she gives you one.
She's also getting a fifth tooth. Pretty exciting. Swimming lessons are going well and yesterday she started learning to float on her back in addition to kicking and swimming towards the wall of the pool. Pretty soon she'll be like a fish.
I'll be back to post some pics and a video soon.
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Walkin' Fool

Saturday, August 16, 2008
She's 1!
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Birthday Time
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Walking and other stuff
She points to things now though and says, "mmmm" when she likes something. She defintely says, "KKKKK" for kitty. (It comes out as a gutteral clearing of the throat sound.) She loves bananas in the morning and yogurt. We're doing better with sleeping through the night too.
We've been sleep training this week and I've stopped nursing her at night and stopped rocking her to sleep. She's sleeping better and eating more during the day now. Which in turn helps her sleep through the night when she eats her breakfast, lunch, and dinner. I've also stopped nursing her on command. I only nurse her in the early morning, at naptime, and after her bath. That's actually helped her eat more too.
And on a side note. She still wears some size 2 shoes and she's actually growing into size 3 now. She has little feet for sure. She's also 19 lbs 10 oz incase you were wondering and I'll get a measurement on her height soon.
Saturday, July 5, 2008
Fireworks update

Friday, July 4, 2008
Fireworks Time, or not

Saturday, June 28, 2008
Naps Updated
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Legoland and Fun

It was pretty hot when we went to the Wild Animal Park too but we had a good time looking at all the animals. Mary's favorite part was the Carosel. We missed the petting zoo. (It was closed by the time we got to it.) So we'll have to go again soon. Personally, I prefer the Zoo as opposed to the Wild Animal Park, but they both have animals so they're pretty similar. We did get to go on the African Safari Tour, which takes you on a bus through the habitats of the animals. They used to have you drive through in your car, but I think animals got hurt and people so they stopped doing that.
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Home from Nor Cal
We're hoping that we can go to Salem, OR (where Carol Ann lives) in October to celebrate Halloween with her. The girls will both be walking by then (Carol Ann has been for a few months) and they'd love going out and meeting new people I'm sure. They both love other kids and maybe Mary will have more teeth so she could eat some of the candy. We live in apartments right now so it'd be hard to trick or treat here anyways. But we've got a lot planned this year so we'll see how we feel when it comes time to buy the tickets. We miss them a lot though.
This week Grandma Kay comes out to visit and we're going to go to the Wild Animal Park and Legoland. That's going to be fun. Hopefully we'll get some sleep in there somewhere.
Talk to ya'll later.
Friday, June 6, 2008
Nap Schedule

10 months old and off to see Grandma

Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Still Half Tooth and Walking with the Walker

She also says dada and mama and baba. That's pretty cool. And one of her favorite pasttimes now is opening drawers and taking everything out. So we clean a lot. She still loves to eat bunny pellets. We're still trying to get her off that. We thought of taking her to Poo Eaters Anonymous or PEA. Well hope you like the website and all the new stuff on it. Take care and we'll talk to you again soon.
New Blog Site
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Still Half Tooth
Mary's tooth still hasn't come in all the way. She's a baby with half a tooth. She's graduated from just crawling to cruising. She' holds onto things and stands up all the time. She loves to climb the stairs and she loves bath time.
With only half a tooth she can't eat real food yet. But she has tasted some. She likes salt and vinegar potato chips, lemons, limes, saurkraut, and mustard. She'd much rather eat real food than baby food, but she mostly still nurses anyway. So we have time before her teeth come in. But she'd like them in now, so she can have that german pub dinner!
Another one of her favorite pastimes is watching the bunnies. She likes to go over and pet them through the cage. Unfortunately she also likes to munch on bunny droppings. So we have to keep an eye on her.
She's sleeping through most of the night right now, but we haven't slept through the whole night yet. Naptime is still hit an miss also. If she doesn't want to take a nap, even if she's tired. She'll complain and moan and wail until I get her. But sometimes naptime is a breeze. I thought I'd try putting her on a nap schedule, so she takes a nap at the same time everyday. Wish us luck!
Sunday, April 13, 2008
She's Crawling and New Teeth
We just got back from traveling back east for a couple of weeks. First we visited Mom's Aunt Karen in Tennessee with Grandma Kay for a week. Aunt Karen has lots of dogs and a nice house in the country. It was pretty cold and it even snowed one day.
Then we traveled to North Carolina where we saw Dad's family. We met up with Grandma Deb and Grandpa Al at the airport and we drove to Maria and Ray's place. Dave and Lori and Dan and Sue and Vivian were there also. Mary was so close to crawling.
But she waited until we got home, so Dad could see her first "steps" on April 3rd. Now she's zooming all over the place and one of her favorite places to go is over by the bunny cage to watch them. Unfortunately, when we got home, we all got a cold. Mary had a little fever for a day but then she was feeling better. It took Mom a little longer to recover, but I'm feeling better now. Mary also had a set of vaccinations right after she was feeling better but then that put her out of it for another day or so.
But we were feeling better, just in time for Diane and Carol Ann's visit. They came out for a couple of weeks stay and the two little ones are getting along splendidly. They laugh together and play well. Carol Ann is 7 months older than Mary so she's still learning how to play. Right now she thinks of Mary as one of her Teddy Bears; she hugs and squeezes her.
So that's what's been happening recently. Sorry it's been so long for the update. But boy have we been busy, traveling back east and going out to the zoo with Diane and Carol Ann and everyone getting a cold on top of that. But we're back at home and things are winding down. Just in time for Mary to get her first tooth! Just the other day I've felt the sharp teeth under the gums. So very soon we'll see little teeth! Then she can start eating real food.
Hope to see everyone again soon. We've had a great time the last few months and now we're going to wind it down and take a rest. Talk to everyone again soon.
Love, Mom
Sunday, February 24, 2008
The Big Move
Hey everybody,
It's been one crazy month down here. Mary's doing well and she's almost crawling now. She's pretty active and looks in her toybox to pick out toys and holds them up so you can see them. She likes Elmo and she likes music. We play an album called Free to be You and Me. That seems to be her favorite song. She's also taking her naps better now. She only cries for a few minutes and then she goes to sleep and sleeps for about an hour. Night time is still a bummer for mommy though. She still wakes up every couple of hours right now.
And to let everyone know, we've moved. The house in Hemet got caught up in the whole mortgages devaluing. Our mortgage devalued about $150,000 in one year. So, we were planning on selling it this year, but that would be very difficult considering the value and there's another house on our block that's the exact same house that's been on the market for 2 years and hasn't sold.
Now we live in a 2 bedroom 2 and a half bath in Carlsbad. It's about 3 miles from Rich's work and so his commute time is down considerably. It's nice having him home a lot more and the apartment comes with a garage to store all of our stuff. Unfortunately the garage was soaking wet and leaking when the neighbors hot water heater above burst a pipe. Some stuff got damaged, but the apartment complexes claims office is currently reviewing a list of the stuff that was damaged to consider compensation.
Mary did great through the whole move though. The move is also why there haven't been any recent pictures of Mary up yet. We haven't stopped taking pictures of her. We just haven't had the time to put them on the internet. But that's one of my goals this week.
Also, Mary and Mom plan on traveling out east to visit the relatives. that will be in late March. We'll be visiting Auntie Karen on mom's side and a bunch of daddy's relatives in Raliegh Durham.
Well take care and see you later.
Thursday, January 31, 2008
Nearing 6 months old!
It's been crazy with the holidays and my 30th birthday this month. I'm in northern california for a couple of days. Just a quick trip for a friends surprise baby shower. It's a surprise for her and a surpsrise for us, since we just found out about it.
Mary's doing well. She's becoming more aware of her surroundings and gets separation anxiety now. Whenever I leave the room she cries. She can sit up well on her own now, but she's still figuring out how to crawl. She can use a high chair now and we've started feeding her rice cereal everyday. She can reach for and grab things pretty good now. And she doesn't like to go down for naps anymore.
We plan to visit back east and see Abuela and everyone in March around Eastertime. We even have an Easter dress for her and everything. Soon it will be Valentine's Day and I'd like to get some Valentine's pictures done for her 6 month birthday too.
Well it's been a while since my last post but I'll try and keep it up more often. Thanks for reading.
Mom and Mary Michelle
Monday, January 7, 2008
The New Year
We saw the family for Chrsitmas and just stayed home for New Year's. Rich is back to work today too after getting 2 weeks off for family leave to spend time with M&M. I also turn 30 this month on the 22nd and we plan to go to Disneyland. A lot of friends are coming out including my mom and Peas. Diane and Peas will be flying in from Oregon and we're all going to go. Peas just turned 1 year old on the 3rd too so that'll be an extra present for her.
I bet before we know it we'll be celebrating Mary's 1st birthday. We plan to go to Disneyland again for that. (We got season passes so we hope to get use out of them.)
Keeping you updated, Mom