Sunday, December 20, 2009


It took a long time to recover from the C-section. In some ways I'm still recovering. I've heard from other women who've had c-sections that it'll take about a year for it to stop hurting. Which is lamo cause my child like to kick me in the stomach and that can hurt a lot. Also anytime anyone touches it it hurts. Which also sucks. But I haven't started working out yet. So maybe when I work out and strengthen my stomach muscles then I'll feel better. It took a few weeks too to be able to walk around for a while and it took a while to be able to stand and just have stamina. Luckily I had a lot of help and now I can handle both kiddos alone.

Here's me and RoRo coming out of the hospital and on our way home.

Here's Ronin's first bath. He actually really didn't cry and seemed to enjoy it. Maybe it reminded him of the womb, all the cozy warm water.

Ah after bath. He slept a lot in the beginning and now basically sleeps through the night. Mary still doesn't though.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

What Happened Since June?

So about the time I stopped blogging I got put on a modified bed rest because I was getting pubis symphysis dysfunction (read about it on wikipedia.) Ironically I was not supposed to do much but sitaround I didn't blog because that would require me to sit very uncomfortably at the desk in the kitchen. So I fell off the face of the earth.

Apparently Ronin was breech and his hips were sitting in my hips and causing quite a lot of pain. But then I had to have someone home with me and Mary all the time. I couldn't lift her. I couldn't stand for long periods and to dishes and laundry and stuff. So my mom came down a few times for a week or two at a time. Rich stayed home a little bit. Derrick even came out a couple of times to help out.

Then my best gal Diane and Carol Annie came down to help us out. They were here for almost 2 months or something like that. We were all crammed in our little 2 bedroom 950 sq ft apartment. It was pretty crazy and I was pretty huge!
Then finally on Aug 25th at 4:48am RoRo was born. Ronin Oliver Augustus

It was pretty stressful at the end of the pregnancy. And I decided then that we needed to move into a rental house. For the sanity of the family!

Christmas Time Update

Wow! It's been a while since I blogged. Well we had a baby, Ronin, and we moved. Diane and Carol Ann came down to visit for a while. Grandma Kay's been down a few times and now we're getting ready to go up north for a few days for christmas.