Sunday, October 28, 2007

Rolling over

Hi everyone,

Mary is rolling over now. She started rolling over when she was just a month old but it was more by accident. Now she rolls over all the time and it seems to be her favorite position. She can roll from her back to her tummy and back onto her back. She is also verbalizing a lot and let us know when she's displeased with something. She seems to be a thinker and doesn't really like to play it up for the camera. It's hard to get a good piture of her. (Check out more pictures of her on the picture website.)

Her friend Carol Ann is a ham for the camera and likes to play it up. But Mary seems to be thinking about how to figure stuff out. But they're already friends and now that Mary can see better, they seem to like spending time together. We get to go to Oregon, where Carol Ann lives, to visit for Thanksgiving. It'll be neat to see them together. That's it for now.
Mel and Mary Michelle

Friday, October 19, 2007



So it's been a while since I've been able to post a mesasge to update everyone on M&M. I've been told by relatives that I need to make sure that I post updates because everyone is interested in how she's doing. So I don't neglect my duties I'll try and post at least 3 times a month.

She's 2 1/2 months old now. New pictures are up on the picture website and she's getting bigger. She's 23 inches and 12 lbs 5 oz. as of 10/16/07 her last doctor's visit. That's the appointment where they give her first vaccinations. She was a little fussy for a couple of days and now she's doing better. I guess the shots can make them feel icky. Me and rich decided not to give her all of the vaccines right now but we did give her 5 main ones.

She squeals in delight now and talks a lot. Mostly she bable though when she's complaining about something she doesn't like. And if you can get to her in time, then she won't bust out crying. She's a happy baby and gets excited when dad comes home and she can take a nap on him.

We just got back from a week trip up to northern california where everyone could see her. Most people saw her for the first time. We'll be back around Thanksgiving for a couple of days in Sacramento. We probably won't be able to see everyone then, but hopefully we will around Christmas time when we come up again.

Well I hope this updates updates you to everything. I'll try to post more often now that the rough beginning is over. Talk to you then

Mel and Miss Mary Pie