She had been sick with an abscess due to malocclusion of her upper an lower teeth. The vet said that she probably had this malocclusion her whole life but that she had enough stuff to eat and chew on that her teeth still wore down properly.
She was getting older, being 7 1/2 years old. Piper was a mini lop and they usually live 7-10 years. She was a good bun. Piper was pretty relaxed and super lazy. She loved sugary treats and never bit anyone. She never minded a nice pet and got along w

ith the cats pretty well.
We don't think that we'll get another bunny anytime soon. Toofu will
just have to enjoy all of our company now. She's the same age as Piper was, just a few months younger. Toofu doesn't seem to have any health issues though, just long nails. She seems to be doing pretty good since Piper's gone.
We buried Piper in a nearby field. Hope she has fun in Bunny heaven. She is survived by her buddy Toofu and the rest of the Curras Family.

Born January 9, 2001.
Died September 7, 2008.

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