Thursday, August 28, 2008

Walkin' Fool

We went to a BBQ last saturday and Mary decided that walking was a good idea after all. She was taking steps and walking a few feet at a time, but I think when she saw other kids her age walking all around she thought she would too. So now she's walking like a pro. She's a little wobbley but gets right back up when she falls down.

We started our swimming lessons and when we get a chance we'll record a lesson and post it. She's doing reall well and the teacher said that she's gonna be a little star. Of course mommy's so proud of her. And even though she whines and cries most of the time, she does her best and is learning fast. I' try and take pictures too and post those as well. She's only been going for a few days. But so far so good.
Mary's been doing better with sleeping. I used to feed her all the time at night and now we're working on not eating at all at night. I went to just feeding her once in the morning but now we're going to try and cut that out too. It'll be easier when she gets more teeth, but right now she's only working on her fourth tooth. But last night she woke up at 4 am. She was quiet off and on for an hour. Then she slept til 7am. Yaaa! So I didn't feed her at all last night. Maybe soon, she'll sleep all the way through the night without waking up!

Saturday, August 16, 2008

She's 1!

Mary Pie is officially 1 now. Her birthday was of course August 3rd. We haven't posted in a while so oh where to begin. We actually spent her birthday recovering from the stomach flu. Me and Rich were feeling better but Mary wasn't quite yet. It lasted a week. Ugh, that's the worst when your whole family is sick at once. Over the next couple of days though she got back to normal. We're glad we went and had the pictures at Sears done the weekend before her birthday!

Then right after that we had to fly up and see the family in Nor Cal. We had a little cake for Mary and we had the yearly Curras Family BBQ at Grandpa Al's house in the Bay Area. Mary got some presents and we had a great time. Auntie Tina came out to visit from Wisconsin and we got to see Auntie Jen too. Lots of people were there and we got to meet a lot of them even though Mary slept through half the BBQ. We had a great time even though Mary's scedule was thrown off and she screamed a lot at night. By the last night we had her sleeping ok but then it was time to leave.
So since we've been home, we have done some major sleep training. She actually got some pajama with feet from Grandma Kay and that seemed to help sleeping through the night. Who would have thought that she wanted pajamas with feet in them. We went out and baught a few more and now that's what she wears to bed. Also we have discovered another tooth coming in! It's her other top front tooth. The teething probably hasn't been helping the sleeping but we give her some IB before bed at night to help. Pretty soon she'll have 4 whole teeth! Wow, time to start working on corn on the cob.
This is a long post!

We had our one year checkup at the doctor's. Mary is 21 lbs and 28.5 inches. She's 50th percentile in weight, but only 25 in height. So she's a litle short. She just fits into 12 month clothing so of course we buy everything in like 18 mo to 2T so it'll last.

Mary Pie is almost walking around on her own. She can take multiple steps at a time and can stand up by herself. Pretty soon she'll be running around like a pro.
We've been to a few more Mommy's group playdates and we're having a good time. With the playdates and swim lessons beginning, our schedule's going to be pretty full. Next week Rich goes on a business trip for a few days, but at least we have other moms and kids we can go see and play with.
PS We just got word today too that our car needed to be worked on. That's twice in like 2 months or something. What a bummer. Hopefully it works OK now.