Saturday, June 28, 2008

Naps Updated

She's napping again regularly. Recently we went to the Animal Park and Legoland and Mary went a couple of days without any naps. She was a trouper and slept pretty good at night. However, I found that I was again up at night feeding her 3 times a night. So last night I just held her when she woke up and stopped feeding her at night. It actually went pretty well. I did feed her when it got light out and then she slept until 9am. Then she took 2 naps both over an hour and a half long today! The day before yesterday she went to bed at 7pm and woke up a few times in the night but then didn't wake up for the day until 9:15am! She's been a sleeper baby. But she's also getting in her two top front teeth. So teething may be a reason why she's so sleepy. Hopefully she feels a little better soon and starts eating more solid food and less milk. We'll try and get a picture of her teeth when they come in.

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