Then a couple of weeks ago mom had a big Mom had a big test to try and get into grad school in Mathematics. I think the test went pretty well but we'll find out when I send in my application. Now the next step is to get letters of recommendation.
A few weeks ago Mary finished her ISR swimming lessons. She did quite well and rolled over on her back just as she was supposed to. There were even some slips while she was playing and her training kicked in and she did just like she was supposed to do.
And in the middle of all of that we moved. Can you believe that. What a month we've had. Well, we now live in Vista, a couple miles away from where we lived but it's much cheaper! We'll try and get out our new address ASAP. The new place is a little smaller so it's sort of been hard trying to find a place for everything, but we're managing. At least they put in new floors at this place and new counter tops and cabinets.
Now that we're getting settled into our new place, I'll be able to post more often. Talk to you again soon.
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