Then we started a different kind of sleep training. One for Mary now that we know what she wants from us in the middle of the night. We put her down at bed time and let her scream. At first if she woke up in the middle of the night we'd sit with her til she fell asleep again. Then that stopped working so she would keep herself awake so we wouldn't leave. Smarty pants.
So then now we let her scream for a few minutes every time she wakes up and if it's longer than 5 min we check on her. Pick her up and check her diaper and say "we love you" then put her back down. Then she screams till she falls asleep and we don't go back in there.
Last night it worked and she woke up at 930, 10:30, 3:30, and 6:30. She went down at 8pm. And she put herself back to sleep every time but at 10:30 where she cried for a little bit and it turns out she had a poopy. So Rich changed her and then she went back to sleep. Other than that we didn't have to go in there all night! How about that. Her voice is a little horse right now from screaming, but she really only screamed for like 2 min at a time.
I hope this means that she'll begin sleeping through the night. Because with the new little one on the way. I'm not rocking 2 kids to sleep, that's for sure.
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