So we finally got plans finalized for the summer. See as how I won't be able to travel soon. We're going to Nor Cal for the family BBQ for the first weekend in June. Then Grandma Kay is coming out for a couple of weeks right after that.
Mary's swim lessons are May 26th -June 4th right before we leave for Nor Cal. This weekend, for Mother's Day me and my mom and Diane are going to Vegas to see the Dave Matthews Band and Jason Mraz in concert. And we plan on seeing the new Star Trek movie too. It'll be my last getaway chance til Jr is like 2 or something.
We did get to go to a Birthday part recently for a playmate. She turned 2 and it was a Hello Kitty party. Mary had a good time. She loves cake!
And we also went to the beach the other weekend. There's more pictures up on the picture website at picasa.google.com/dancingmelissas. It was a little cool. But we got some sun and had a good time.
Hopefully in August we'll be able to get Diane out here for a couple of weeks when Jr is born. Depending on her school scedule. Gma Kay will be out again in July and August too to help us get ready for the new baby. Other than all that not much has changed in the past few months. TTFN!
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