Tuesday, April 21, 2009

What's Happenin

I've been a little out of it lately because we all got the flu. Well me and Mary got it and Rich was feeling tired for like half a day and then he was better. We did have Mary's swim lessons scheduled for this week and now we'll have to reschedule them. Mary has a cough and my nose is still stuffy. I also got strep throat to go along with my flu, but I nipped that in the bud fast. I don't think we're contagious anymore so now we can get back to life. Which is nice. 

Also our air conditioning had been out for a few days. Which is a bummer when you're pregnant and it's the hottest day of the year. But they fixed it and now I'm blissful in a cool house.

And we've had a lot of requests for pictures of mom and dad as well as the kids. So we'll get to that soon. Don't worry.

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