Tuesday, November 23, 2010


It's been quite a while since our last post. We've had swimming lessons since then.

We also did some trick or treating of course. 

Mary had a few different outfits for this Halloween. A Spanish Dancer, Jesse the Cowgirl, and a Gypsy.

Ronin was Yoda, or a Jedi without the hat.

Here's some more recent photos in November of the kids. And yes it was about 90 degrees on the day we took this pic of Ronin. Taken by my friend at Crystal Campbell Photography. And the one of Mary was by Valdez Photography.

We've also started in home therapy for Mary 3 times a week. We're currently waiting on Head Start or the school district to consider her autism diagnosis and enroll her in special ed preschool. But the wheels of bureaucracy turn slowly.

And the next holiday is Thanksgiving. We'll be going to a friend's house. A friend I made through one of the mom's group I'm in. It'll be my job to make the turkey. Wish me luck!

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