Thursday, July 24, 2008

Birthday Time

This past weekend we went to Disneyland and the San Diego Zoo and the San Diego Air and Space Museum where they have a Star Trek exhibit. Derrick and Marina and Grandma Kay came with us and we all had a great time. The weekend was a little hectic but I think all went well.

Look for pictures up soon of our trip in the Photo page of her website. We rode on the Carosel and on the new Toy Story ride. It turns out too that Mary doesn't like the Tikki Room or the Jungle Cruise but we'll check again when we go back to Disneyland. (How can you not like the Tikki Room?!)
Mary sat in the Captain's chair from the original series at the Star Trek exhibit. We have a picture of that, but we haven't scanned it into the computer yet. It'll be up soon. Her favorite part of the zoo was the kitties. They were all asleep this time but kitties usually are. She was pretty wasted at the zoo. She did good though. She was a trooper and took a nap in her stoller and we only had to carry her half the time instead of the whole time.
Lara and Christean met us at the zoo. Mary was excited to see them and squealed in delight.
On Mary's actual birthday we plan to go to the Wild Animal Park. See you then.

1 comment:

Pure Images said...

How fun! I am glad she was good for you guys!

YAY wild animal park! Let us know if you want friends there too, we have annual passes. =)