So here she is! Our little Mary Michelle Grace. She was born on Aug 3rd at 8:35 pm weighing 7lbs. 9oz at 19.5 inches. She's a cutie pie. I went into labor on thursday Aug 2nd during the day. (It's actually hard to figure out exactly when labor started because I'd been having contractions for weeks.) I went in that night at 11pm to the hospital to be induced and I was already at 3cm! So I got some pitosin and it began. Then I stalled labor friday night from noon to 6pm or so at about 6 cm. The doctor's didn't think that I'd be able to go all the way and we're talking C-section! But then it took off and at about 7:40 pm I was told it was time to push. And here she is!
We had a little scare after delivery though. She came out crying but when she went to take her second breath, she blew a little hole in her lung called a pneumothorax. So her right lung collapsed and they had to rush her off to the ICU. The doctor had to remove the air in the sac surrounding her lung with a needle and she had to spend two days in the ICU while the lung healed. Mary pulled through though and boy do her lungs work great now.
We've already found out that she loves to sleep and will sleep through anything, even eating. She hates being woken up to eat.
Posted by Great Aunite Annie:
Yahooo. Jennifer sent pics from this site and they are GREAT. She is so aware and "rarin to go". Just like Richard was!! I am so happy for you all
Wednesday, August 8th 2007 @ 7:31 PM
Posted by Patty H:
Oh goodness! How scary. I'm glad she healed quickly.
Wednesday, October 3rd 2007 @ 10:04 PM
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