So we found out that we have great insurance. We switched because we wanted to get Mary more therapy, but ironically we're having trouble getting our new insurance to pay for it. For now though the state is paying for it so that works for me. But I thought you said you have good insurance you say...
We did switch from Kaiser to Aenta because of Mary's autism and it turns out that that's not where we need our insurance. Ronin got pneumonia last week and was hospitalized all week until his O2 saturation was adaquate enough to go home. Ronin also had pneumonia last year when he was 9 months old and Kaiser sent us home with some antibiotics and no other instructions. If you ask me he was in even worse shape last year and it makes me kringe to think of how bad it could have been.

This year the new doctor sent us straight to Palomar where their children's floor is run by Rady's Children's Hospital. (The best children's hospital if you ask me.) When we got there they had a bed and a stuffed animal for him and they seemed to care about how he was doing, as opposed to reading numbers and getting us out as soon as possible. Our new pediatritian even called the hospital to see how Ronin was fairing. I'm stoked! I feel my baby got excellent care and he's doing much better than he did last year when Kaiser sent us home. By the way we were even at the Kaiser hospital in San Diego when he was diagnosed with pneumonia, not at a clinic.

Anyway, since Ronin has had 2 episodes of pneumonia in less than a year, which isn't normally supposed to happen so begins the process of maybe identifying an underlying illness that may be responsible for recurrent pneumonia. We are scheuled to a sweat cholride test next week to check for cystic fibrosis. Which I have now figured out that even though the doctor believes it will be negative, we still need to check, just the process of knowing you need to take your child for a test brings about its own stresses and upsets. Let alone how you feel when and if your child actually gets diagnosed with anything, as I found out with Mary.

Like the months long process of getting Mary tested and evaluted because my mommy gut said that something was up, I again have that same feeling with Ronin. I am actually more afraid of the process of diagnosis than I am of dealing with an actual diagnosis. Dealing with Mary now is so much easier than when you're in the dark and there's no help and no guidence for what you're not even sure you're dealing with. This doctor so far seems to care and seems thourough so maybe the process this time won't be so scary. I'm grateful we have the insurance to pay for it.