So I complained last year that Mary didn't get to go to any birthday parties because she was always sick. But now this year, we've gone to four already! She has a great time though and she gets to get all dressed up. These are 2 parties wen went to this month.
I'll put up pics of the kids room too soon. It's always a little messy. Such is having a small house with little kids. We're having problems with the heating and electricity. But it's slowly getting fixed. At least the house is cute.
Here's a pic of our christmas tree for the holidays. We had a good time and we had some family pics done. We went up north to visit our relatives in the central valley. I got a new vacuum! Cool! and the kids got a lot of clothes and toys. It was a pretty good holiday. Except for my mom getting the flu on Christmas Day. Which was a bummer but luckily we had a christmas with her on christmas eve.
I don't know why she won't smile.
Then we came back home and celebrated New Years at Legoland. Uncle Derrick was with us and we had a pretty good time. The kids were a little scared of the fireworks. But they did OK.
I'm posting this from my iPhone so we'll see of this works. We went to CPK this morning and had a tour of the kitchen and all the kids got to male a pizza. Then we went to the park and played. I'll post pics at CPK later.