I decided after having Ronin that we could no longer live in a 2 bed apartment. So I made the effort to find us a house to rent. I basically looked on craig's list for a few weeks and I must have looked at like 20 house. (Although I didn't really keep track. Boy you should have seen some of these houses. They don't post pictures in the ads because they're hitius. When you go and see these houses they're like gross and tiny and not finished and no yards, just dirt and rocks. Anyhoos, I found a few good ones but then there's a lot of competition. There's like 10 people who want to rent this house and there's a housing shortage in San Diego county. So it's like applying for a job!
The first couple of houses we didn't get. We lost out to a better couple with better credit. But this house we moved into, another post, we got, obviously. Here are some pics of before we moved in. We just now got unpacked so I haven't taken any recent pictures but I will soon and post them.

It's a 3 bed, 2 bath little house. They remodeled it a little bit so the fixtures are nice. But the electrical could use a once over. But it has a great yard and a jetted master tub. So we like it.