Sunday, February 24, 2008

The Big Move

Hey everybody,

It's been one crazy month down here. Mary's doing well and she's almost crawling now. She's pretty active and looks in her toybox to pick out toys and holds them up so you can see them. She likes Elmo and she likes music. We play an album called Free to be You and Me. That seems to be her favorite song. She's also taking her naps better now. She only cries for a few minutes and then she goes to sleep and sleeps for about an hour. Night time is still a bummer for mommy though. She still wakes up every couple of hours right now.

And to let everyone know, we've moved. The house in Hemet got caught up in the whole mortgages devaluing. Our mortgage devalued about $150,000 in one year. So, we were planning on selling it this year, but that would be very difficult considering the value and there's another house on our block that's the exact same house that's been on the market for 2 years and hasn't sold.

Now we live in a 2 bedroom 2 and a half bath in Carlsbad. It's about 3 miles from Rich's work and so his commute time is down considerably. It's nice having him home a lot more and the apartment comes with a garage to store all of our stuff. Unfortunately the garage was soaking wet and leaking when the neighbors hot water heater above burst a pipe. Some stuff got damaged, but the apartment complexes claims office is currently reviewing a list of the stuff that was damaged to consider compensation.

Mary did great through the whole move though. The move is also why there haven't been any recent pictures of Mary up yet. We haven't stopped taking pictures of her. We just haven't had the time to put them on the internet. But that's one of my goals this week.

Also, Mary and Mom plan on traveling out east to visit the relatives. that will be in late March. We'll be visiting Auntie Karen on mom's side and a bunch of daddy's relatives in Raliegh Durham.

Well take care and see you later.
